Essential Technique For Strings Book 3 Violin
-Series: Essential Elements
-Format: Softcover Media Online
-Authors: Michael Allen, Robert Gillespie, Pamela Tellejohn Hayes -(Essential Technique for Strings is fully compatible with Essential Technique 2000 for Strings)
-Essential Technique for Strings includes exercises for the higher positions and shifting, along with scales, bowings, and special techniques.
-Additional features:
-Music theory and history
-Multicultural music
-Creativity and assessment
-Sight-reading and rhythm pages
-Book also includes My EE Library* (www.myeelibrary.com) - Instant Stream/Download/CD*
-…with Play-along mp3 tracks for ALL exercises
-Internet access required for My EE Library. Book includes instructions to order free optional CD.
-Inventory #HL 00868074
-ISBN: 9780634069291
-UPC: 073999680744
-Width: 9.0"
-Length: 12.0"
-48 pages